So you want to get in shape?

"Hi, my name is Kaitlin and I'll be your student physical therapist today", the exact statement I have made over and over again in the last few months. As a health professional and as a future physical therapist I know how important being 'in shape' can be for someone. There are a lot of preconceived notions that because I will be a physical therapist in 151 days (not counting at all) I have to be in really good shape and fit. Don't get me wrong, I know ALL about the research behind the benefits of exercise. But I will be the first to admit that being 'in shape' is hard.

Many times in the last three years I have promised to myself and others that I would finally get in shape. That this is the year, the month, the day, the hour to get in shape. Fun fact, it was never the year, the month, the day, the hour to get in shape. Working out and getting fit isn't complicated, but it is difficult.

"But Kaitlin.... that's the same thing." I know, I know. But hang in here with me for just a second. The idea of consistently working out to be in better shape is simple. You put on the clothes, you go to the gym (or wherever you choose to workout), and you complete the workout. Now, doing the thing to stay consistent when your motivation has run out, the cute workout clothes have lost their appeal, your badass workout playlist isn't hitting as hard, or your just tired? That is difficult. I have struggled with guilt for my lack of exercising regularly. Asking patients to be more physically active than I maintain myself seems, well, hypocritical.

So here's the deal: I want to get in shape. I want YOU to get in shape. Over the next 90 days I will be working out 75 of those days. I have made this promise to myself so many times, I think my mind has honestly become numb to it and I am sure that plenty of you have become numb to this promise as well. Here's one thing that is going to be different: we have accountability. Not only will I be posting on this blog, I will be posting on social media! So go take a follow @girl_lift_weights on Instagram and Twitter!

I also want to give a shout out to Rachel Hollis for inspiring this and pushing me to believe in myself to start this journey!
