Day 1, 89 more to go

Okay guys, so here it is: I did the thing. I went to the gym, after 8.5 hours of work on my feet and completed an hour long work out. Was I thrilled about it? Heck no, but I did it! Now I have more energy to work on my in-service project and to work on my new blog. Research has shown that exercise helps decrease fatigue, so think about that the next time you want a nap! Although, your girl looooovessss a good nap, so don't forget to allow your body the grace it needs.

For those interested in what I did today here is a sneak peek into my workout:

  • 30 minutes of cardio ~2 miles
  • Arms Day - everything with 2 sets of 10 repetitions
    • Bicep Curls
    • Rows
    • Shoulder raises
    • Tricep, skull crushers
    • Chest press
  • Abs 
    • Plank: 2 x 1 minute
    • Hundreds: 2x
    • Heel taps: 2x 40

I just want to say that this is the beginning of my own journey - and hopefully your own- but I know its going to get harder. So I hope that this really cute meme keeps you excited about your own journey!

Image result for cute fitness meme
